Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Weapons. Colour. Battleaxe in action!

Finally found the time to sit down and paint my weapons after a couple of busy days. Here's the end result.

I went for a darker look with both weapons and this is my first time exploring weathering using a drybrush technique.

For the tanto, the yellow tape was painted black and then brushed with white. I realised after that I should have brushed more white to give it a more weathered look. The blade was brushed with brown to give a sense of rust. Still looks quite artificial to me, but it'll do for now.

As for the battleaxe, the axehead was painted with a silver base, followed by a layer of black to simulate the coating some weapons have. This was followed by silver drybrushing to give a sense of the black coating being scrapped off in combat. Wanted to add some battle marks as well such as nicks and dents, but was afraid I'd ruin my hard work, so I held off on that one. The paint was gloss at first, but a matt coat on top dulled it and gave a more realistic look that I wanted.

The shaft was painted black and scrapped in places with sandpaper to add some wear, but not really visible in the photos. Tape was wrapped around the shaft at two points and painted with a dirty white base. I wanted a cloth colour but didn't have the beige/light brownish colour I needed, so I weathered it instead with brown and black paint in hopes of giving it a worn look. Not exactly what I wanted, but again, it'll do for now. 

Of course, a weapon is just decoration without someone to use it. So the battleaxe was handed over to its intended owner - Wasabi!

Wasabi steps out into the open with his new battleaxe.

He examines the weapon passed down to him.

Tests the sharpness of the blade.

And checks the weight in a test swing.


Feels good. Wasabi approves. 

Now, off to chop some robot heads!

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