Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Custom Greatsword, Part 2

Following the previous greatsword, I was supposed to do a custom sheathe, but the PVC material I bought to use as fake leather tore off specks of paint from my greatsword. Oh well. Will reattempt the sheathe with a different approach in a day or two, but in the meantime, crafted another smaller greatsword.

Used the same method to craft the sword, except that the centre piece is a thicker 1.0mm styrene. Not really clear in the photos, but there's also 'teeth' inside the circular opening. Wanted to make it sharper and more menacing, but didn't have the right type of files to cut it deep and angular enough.

Decided to forego the usual string wrap handle and go for a wooden look, so I layered another two pieces of styrene on top of the handle to the blade, creating an illusion of a separate handle and blade. Paintjob kinda sucks though, so maybe I'll go back to a cloth wrap or something.

Blade is painted a black base with a sprinkle of gunmetal and lavender. The lavender doesn't really show and actually doesn't work well either. Was thinking of doing some muddied, weathered look, but not really confident as my weathering skill is terrible. Leaving it alone for now until I get more inspiration.

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